Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 14, 2009 Company Picnic

This weeks episode was entitled Company Picnic. The annual company picnic has finally rolled around and the Scranton gangfind themselves caught up in a competitive volleyball tournament. Michael and Holly get reunited and decide to do a comedy sketch about the history of Dunder Mifflin which they called "Who wants to be a Dunder Mifflinaire." In the sketch they reenacted the movie Slumdog Millionaire with questions about Dunder Mifflin. During the show they asked a question about which branch was about to be closed and released the information to the Buffalo branch before they had known. Michael wants to tell Holly that they belong together but he never finds the right time. In the throes of the tournament Pam twists her ankle and has to go to the hospital to get it looked at. Jim and Pam never return to the picnic because the doctor gives them some exciting news that is not actually revealed during the show. The Dundee for this episode goes to Pam for kicking ass in the volley ball tournament and also for totally being pregnant! Office fans have been waiting for news like anxiously for seasons!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7, 2009 Cafe Disco

This week's episode was entitled Cafe Disco. Michael is concerned how uptight and over focused his employees have become because of Charles ways of running a business. Michael creates Cafe Disco in his old office space from The Michael Scott Paper Company. It is a place to dance, drink espresso, and relax during the work day. Phyllis wanders down to dance and throws out her back. Dwight then proceeded to treat her like a horse as he fixes her back. Phyllis then reveals to Dwight that she thinks her husband is having an affair with his secretary. In the end everyone ends up down in Cafe Disco and has a good time. Even Angela can not help moving her foot to the beat. The Dundee for this episode goes to Kevin for hooking up with a woman from another office against a wall. You go Kevin.